Sunday, February 24, 2013

Right Where I'm Supposed To Be

There is a position that some of us often put ourselves in, between a rock and a hard place. We often blame our situation on a lack of the right opportunity being made available to us. We blame others for having some type of vendetta against us. However, we overlook the fact that in order to have those golden opportunities afforded to us, we need to make ourselves available and open to the possibilities. We can't pigeon hole ourselves and not explore all that's out there and then turn around upset by the stagnant status of our existence. We can't look at every issue as something that is being done to us when it is clearly being done for us.

People are often surprised by my impulsive nature; my desire to pack up and go at the drop of hat.  I have never been the type to let where I come from, or things others may say prevent me from exploring other possibilities.  I find that it is very easy for people to get comfortable. However, Fearing the unknown; finding excuses to never do what we aspire to do only prevents us from stepping outside of our comfort zone. How can we honestly say we have taken advantage of some of the opportunities if we never take chances on learning or growing as people? How much progress can we make if we simply stay in one place. I mean that in the figurative sense?

I feel that I am making an attempt to not only better myself but those who are directly affected by my presence or actions. I am filling my bank with dollars of life experience. When people make withdrawals, they can gain insight to some of what I have learned. They can take from it what they will or leave it to mature over time. Not everyone is brave enough to just leave everything behind and start anew in another place that is completely unfamiliar to them. I do know that if more people were open to such things, we would have a deeper appreciation for some of the things and the people in our lives. To some I may be well past the age of exploration.  I don't want to leave dreams and aspirations behind to fit some image someone else has of me.  I just don't see the need to stop growing and experiencing new things and closing myself off from all that exists out there in the world. 

It's been said that in order to receive all the blessings God has in store for you sometimes, you have to move.  I figure I shouldn't mess with God's plan for me.  I wouldn't be where I am today if he didn't see a reason for my being here.  I plan to continue on this journey of self exploration and growing tolerance knowing that it is divine  purpose. Stuck between a rock and a hard place is not somewhere that you would find me.  I am right where I am supposed to be.