Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Glue (after Boston Marathon bombing reactions)

I hear people chanting
Spouting their twisted ideologies
Gushing with outrage
Questioning why a nation would continue 
To allow foreigners to enter
If they only abuse the privilege 
Forgetting that they themselves wouldn't be there
If entry was denied
Unless they can trace that Native American bloodline

How quickly they forget
That the structures that stand now
Were carved out on the backs and shoulders of
Some of these same people they 
Thrash with words of scorn
Forgetting that when mom and dad 
Were too busy, these same foreigners
They speak of
Clothed, fed, changed their diapers
Cooked, cleaned, and made their house
A happy home
These same foreigners 
Do the jobs they don't want to do
The gardeners, janitors, and sanitation workers
The construction workers,  nannies, and maids
The taxi drivers and gas station attendants
The bus boys and 
Their favorite barista 
Nurses, home care attendants
Sometimes even the doctors
And countless others
They are the glue that bonded everything together 
And to now say that 
They shouldn't be entitled to any of it
Is amazing to me because 
I too am a foreigner
I've taught  your children
I've wiped their tears and talked with them
When you were to busy to converse
I've addressed their disabilities when you were
In denial or just plain selfish
Or conflicted by
What the Jones' would say
I've fed them when you forgot to
I've been the counselor and mediator
The friend and confidant
When you just didn't take the time
To simply sit and talk to them
I've tried to mold them into better human beings 
Than what I remember children their ages
Being when I was growing up

If you honestly believe that only foreigners are 
Committing these heinous crimes 
You're sadly mistaken
This anger that displays itself through violent acts
Stems from years of misguidance
Misinformation and miseducation 
From mental illness
From bullying and lack of self esteem
And countless insecurities 
From lack of motivation
From inability to accept responsibility 
For one's own actions
From misuse of holy doctrines
From idolizing and placing individuals on pedestals
Who have no business being held that high
From people spewing hate and anger
Let me say that again, 
From people spewing hate and anger
From some isolated incident 
That was never resolved
And then spun into a 
Web of destruction over time
From fear of the unknown

Stick a scarlet F on my chest 
And label me a foreigner 
Cuz that's what the heck I am 
And I make no apologies for it 
Cuz we foreigners bleed red just like you
And whether our collars are white or blue
We will forever be 
That glue that bonded this country together