Sunday, April 22, 2012

Saving and Saturating Souls

So I took one of my students to church with me today. She had been asking me to take her since before our spring break. I figured there was a reason. Anyway, today she had this look about her. Deer in headlight, allergies, mixed emotions; I don't know what it was. However, when pastor asked if anyone wanted to give their life to Christ, I gave her a little nudge to ask if she wanted to. She sad next time. Now I know that with things like this, next time could mean never. So I told her I would go with her if she wanted me to. As soon as I offered,she said yes. We got to the alter and pastor started talking to her and letting her know that she was a child of God and no matter what anyone tells her, that she is loved by him, etc. I think we both knew his words were just what she needed to hear because I know for a fact that she doubts it at times. She broke out into tears and I kept my hands on her just to let her know I was there and I had her back.

After church, we went to the movies. On the way there, we talked about what she thought it meant to be saved. She said she was confused at first because another church she attended said she was too young to be saved. She said she realizes now that she isn't too young. And she appreciated the way my pastor spoke to her because she understood every word. We also talked about what happens now. I told her to think of it as a clean slate. None of the things that happened before today matter. What matters now is that she lives her life according to God and his word.

New Jerusalem House of God. Saving and saturating souls!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Zimmerman Gets Financial Support In Exchange For Murder

"We wanted to help someone who we feel has been wronged and found guilty in the court of public opinion,” Chris Kossmann of Legal Boom, told HLN. “People have been crying for justice but we don’t think people know what real justice is. As of yet nobody’s stood up for him [Zimmerman].”  The National Association for Legal Gun Defense says it will donate $10,000 to help pay for his legal expenses and Legal Boom, a Florida-based gun rights group, pledged to back Zimmerman, whose reputation, they say, has been unfairly "ruined." -quotes taken from AOL news articles.

-Are these people for real?  If this isn't racism in its rarest form, then I don't know what is.  They are backing a man who took the life of an African American teenager for no reason, after being heard on a dispatch radio calling him a "N".  If the tables were turned, that African American teen would have been behind bars from jump.  Now this man is opening paypal accounts to get money for himself.  He quit his job, he didn't get fired.  So why should the public donate money to him?  He hasn't even been charged with anything so what does he need money for?  And these crazy people out here donating to him, yall are just saying that his crime is justifiable.  At this rate our youth have nothing to worry about when it comes to getting old and gray because the system will have them all shot or killed in some other form before they could hit their 30s.

Easter Sunday-Living a "Better Life"

Just attended Easter Service at Vineyard Community Church in Miami. Focus for today: How can I live this "Better Life?" We all want to live a better life in some way. Some want more money, a better job, a bigger house, to find their life partner, start a family, etc. What we have to remember is "You will not succeed by your own strength or power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord." Zechariah 4:6.  Don't go off thinking you have it all under control and you can do it all and make your dreams come true without God. There is safety and security in knowing that He is with you through every life experience (good or bad). And every trial you may face isn't because He doesn't care or He isn't there. They happen for exactly the opposite. If He didn't care or wasn't there he might just let you continue to do some of the crazy things in life that you did before knowing Him and accepting Him into your heart. As you come alive with new life this Easter, let it be one in which Christ gives all meaning.