Monday, October 29, 2012

Using "I Love You" As A Weapon

Have you ever felt as if the words “I love you!” were used as a weapon against you?  Often times we humans act with emotion as our foundation.  We pine, we ponder, we plot, and we wait to hear the words.  As though hearing them will validate us somehow.  We assume that hearing them will place us on level ground.  No longer do we question our worth to the person professing.  We assume that person would never use such words as an “in” or a tool to throw us off balance; break down our walls to the point where we suddenly have tunnel vision seeing only them in our sight.  We hope that because we know how valuable the words are to us, that the person professing would hold them just as dear.  It’s funny how it doesn’t always turn out that way.

There is only one person who loves us to the ends of the earth, with all our faults, even when we are in doubt about whether they truly care.  Only one who loves us so much that He would have us experience all the bad so that when good presents itself, we know just what to look for.  He is the only one that will guide us through trials because of His undying love that exists for us.  All we have to do is simply love Him back; show the same thought and consideration that we know.  Show Him that we know without a shadow of a doubt that everything He does is for our betterment.  He would never use His love as a weapon against us, however He would use it to protect us from all that is constantly circling around us trying to draw us away from Him.

Love is something that shouldn’t be toyed with.  It is a powerful force.  Love creates lives, it takes lives, it also lingers long after its target has left.  If you have ever had one of those moments when you questioned if what you once felt for someone was truly love, or if you have ever really been in love because things didn’t really work out and you felt as though if it were love, then it would have lasted, STOP!!  Take a minute to recognize that there is a love that you experience daily, every time you open your eyes.  Don’t question why if you were loved, would certain things continue to happen TO YOU.  Recognize that things happen FOR YOU!  They happen for you to appreciate the life that you have, the people who would never use three little words as a weapon against you, and for you to appreciate what He gives you daily so that you might recognize when someone is being untrue.  Now, not knowing this love could cause you a hurricane of negative experiences and negative people blowing through your life.  But knowing His love could put you on the path to greatness.  Once you hit that path and all the things and people in front of you begin to make sense, you will realize what true love is. 

Loving him unconditionally will strengthen your relationship not only with Him, but also with others who share that same love for Him.  That strong foundation will make for less bumps, twits, and turns along your path.  It’s like the song says, “to know, know, know Him, is to love, love, love Him, and I do....” When you do trust and believe that, no three worded weapon formed against you will prosper!! 

Friday, October 19, 2012

His Divine Will contributed by Jarel Turner

God doesn't lead two "halves" to be brought together to make each other, or oneself whole. His Divine Will leads two who are already whole independently/individually in Him & brings them together to make them one.

However we have Free Will. And our insisting on certain things are possible because of His Permissive Will, even with Him being ALL powerful.

Just know that if He has a whole person out

 there for you, He wants to complete His work in you first, so you can be that whole person back to them. That's the true sacrifice of love. Sacrificing "self" for God first. A deeper revelation of love of the first position in knowing how to give it properly. If you can't receive or give the love of God what "type" of love are you giving? #Faulty. #WeForgetHeCreated...HeISLove.

You don't have to chase down what He has for you & it does not include a burdensome yoke. Such situations are not "destined" to be nor are such parties your soul mate.

If it's not His Will, it's a distraction, a deception & a delay on what He really has for all aspects of life. Things you won't have to chase down, just fearlessly walk into through Faith & Confidence by His Holy Spirit. #He'sAGodOfOrder.

In all matter of truth we all have situations or issues of varying degrees (outside of relationships) in which we have accepted a substituted provision over His (God's) Best. These provisions have their part in our growing process of life and are usually a result of our haste,
 making our own provision, & not waiting on or seeking the guidance of The Holy Spirit with patience which is always ON TIME but not usually within the time of our microwave society.

As we all reach for progress & not perfection it is time wasted to play a comparison game on how deep or shallow someone may be within His Divine Will or may not be.

It's about perspective regarding those things we fight for in life that ultimately are in vain for they leave us less than what we started with. While there is a reality of maybe an uncontrollable detachment in many areas of life it's a contradiction to believe the God who has all good things for you has destined something that you are literally fighting for, killing you or stealing your victory. He doesn't have such things for us. It's a cause for reflection and examination of reality.

In the aspect of relationships if someone is constantly controlling your time, emotions, & imposing the lie that without them you can't survive, making you feel you don't know how you'll go on or start over and you don't see happiness in life or the abundance in starting over - that is not fighting for love. It's the low level practice of witchcraft as it seeks to control and keep you away from progress, His Best. You don't have to submit to that. Practice your free will in the sense for the better!

God's Word should be all about understanding, and love, and it is however, sometimes in translation, in delivery, pride, misunderstanding whatever the case may be people misconstrue judgement with feeling challenged.

A perspective a given only for enlightenment and if it does not apply then don't try and put a shoe on your foot which doesn't fit. However, if it does fit and you don't like the way it looks it may just be that somewhere deep inside there's a challenge to do better.

All I share regarding the insight of God's Word is rooted in love for at most I can say is the fact that the one thing He has shown me is how to love better, His Way. Only by HIS Grace has darkness not consumed ALL our lives, not matter how good or "Holy" we may see ourselves... that we have time to come to His saving knowledge, & that we are enabled by His Holy Spirit to share the joys and wonders of it even when we're still working on getting it right ourselves.

I know fully The Law in it's entirety points to Christ - the deepest revelation of Love, Joy & should not be used as a weapon to impose legalistic tradition & religion that is not of God...unfortunately people associate their history of such with the same Faith that they have found in a personal relationship with Christ. It's unfortunate, the two are not the same.

If you're not sharing Christ with people you're sharing a bunch of self helping, legalistic impositions presenting a form of godliness which only seeks to change one's outward compliance & not their heart.

I love God, I love people...I always have, and only with Him did I learn to love both parties better.

With that being said all that I say which is related to God, is said & motivated by love for when I truly found His Love, all things became new & I know without a shadow of a doubt He can, and wants to do the same for everyone I know if they let Him. We live in a society where being strong is equated with carrying our issues with a smile, and is accepted versus going through the challenge of facing them to give us freedom. He'll heal areas you didn't even know were wounded! Glory to God!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

GIVE AWAY OUR POWER -contributed by Irileria Muhammad EMT Teacher in Abu Dhabi, Al Garbia

I am always amazed at how easily we give away our power as women. Granted, I have been there. God gave us the same brain, the same heart, the same voice, the same lungs, but we are so quick to subjugate ourselves to a man. I am not by any means saying the two are the same, but they are, INDEED, equal. The backseat, behind, under, outside of, the man is not where I will be. But I will still firmly and proudly by your side. We have incorporated chauvinism into religion, and then we repeat it. No wonder so many God-fearing women have self-esteem issues. We keep hearing philosophies that say you are the reason for man's downfall (Eve), you are why he is weak (Delilah), you bring out lustful desires (Jezebel). So in essence, what I get from that is that man is such a weak being and women must play up to his weaknesses and hide our essence as opposed to him stepping up and just being a man, and fighting himself. He must be protected and coddled, even at the expense of women. Well, if God tells you not to do something and a WOMAN says do it, and you follow the woman, be very clear, that YOU ARE THE PROBLEM, NOT the woman. And 2,000 years of backwards teaching does not change that.

Unfortunately, it is the undercurrent in MOST religions, religions sect, churches, etc.... And though I am in a country that has some very interesting male/female dynamics... I actually see WAAAAY more of this at home from a group that my friend Ebony so lovingly calls the "handmaiden club", and unfortunately too many women are in this group (knowingly or unknowingly).