Saturday, January 21, 2012

50/50 Get Your End Up!

Its hard sometimes for people to surrender to and put their faith and trust in the Lord. We want things when we want them. We do 5yr plans and make lists and give ourselves deadlines, but how often do we consult the creator? The fact of the matter is that he has his hands in everything. He takes us through things so that when we come out on the other side, we are more prepared to deal with life and its challenges. He breaks hearts and we get angry. We question why He would ever do something like this to us. He puts us in a financial bind, jobless, penniless, homeless, and we tell ourselves he doesn't exist. If he did exist, these things would never happen. What we fail to realize is God isn't doing these things to us, He is doing them "for" us. For us to get on the right path, for us to appreciate the important things and not the superficial, for us to know that at the end of the day, He has our backs. HE creates the storms but he also provides rainbows. He breaks hearts to show you what you don't want and gives you true love to show you that you are worthy. He will always provide, but you have to do your part as well. Don't act as though you are entitled when you haven't done anything to show him your loyalty. Remember, God doesn't do one sided relationships. He goes in 50/50 y'all. So get your end up!

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