Friday, January 27, 2012

Scratching the Surface vs. Digging Deep

Some people will barely scratch the surface, others get to the root and try to solve it. When you never dig deep enough to find your demons they will continue to haunt you no matter how many people you cut outta your life, how much you try to change your lifestyle, no matter how much you claim you're a good Christian, or how many city and state lines you move across. Scratching the surface will never set you free. Putting in the time and effort, waiting on God and his promise for you, and having a solid foundation that will not be moved no matter how much the devil tries to chip away at you, will keep you grounded. Know that God isn't a fan of the quick fix. He wants you grounded in his word and in your faith. Once you are, once you get to the root, and tackle your demons, you will be covered. He has his hands on you!

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