Friday, February 17, 2012

Who Will Be Victorious? Money or God?

Some people love money so much that they are willing to do anything to keep what they have, or gain more.  They use money as a way to influence people to do what they want or need.  Money can become that paperweight they hold over you to keep you down. They will promise to love you for life, partner up with you in business to become successful, sell you a dream and convince you that you are what that dream needs to come true, provide you with just enough of an “in” to get by but keep you grabbing at their heels to get over, some will jump over hurdles, do a dance, act out an entire play, be your best friend, or whatever else they need to if it means that dollar will be there in the end.  Others may use it to look down on those with less, or simply forget that they didn't come from money.  
Some people think that money will buy them cleansing.  If they give just enough to charity, family, church, and whatever good cause, it will provide them safe entry into The Kingdom of Heaven.  However, it can’t buy them healing or deliverance.  You could donate to the most charities, smile for cameras and tell the world that you are humble and God-fearing, do volunteer work, read God’s word every day and try to live accordingly, but none of it matters if your heart isn’t in the right place.  People forget that God knows their hearts and everything they are thinking.  

You could be in the prime of your career, on the come up, in the best relationship with the woman or man that you love, passing that difficult test, landing that dream job, on that amazing vacation that you always wanted to take, finally getting a chance to live the life you put on hold, and God can take it all away.  When you spend more time buying lavish things like expensive jewels, cars, friendships, and multiples of things you already own simply because you can afford to, instead of planning for the possibilities and unexpected happenings of the future, you are truly running off track.  If you aren’t smart enough to see when the devil is baiting you, then you surely will fall into his trap.  How long you stay in that trap will be determined by your heart and willingness to not only listen to God when he says yes, but also when he says no.

At the end of the day, money means nothing.  How much you have means nothing when you end up living a lie or selling your soul to hold on to it.  Though it’s convenient, and could make for a comfortable life, the old saying could still apply; “More money more problems.”  Never knowing if people truly have your back, if you have any real friends, if they will stick around when all the money is gone, or if all the little perks of being you with a boat load of cash will be the same as you with thin pockets, will run you ragged.  You will spend more time interrogating and analyzing rather than simply living.  You will constantly need validation from others to prove that you are what you claim to be.  However, the only one you need validation from is God.  The only person you need to give to is God.  When you bless him, he will bless you in the midst of overwhelming odds.  He doesn’t care about all your money because that won’t go to the gates with you.  If you get real with God, he will get real with you.  Your love of money should never supersede your love for God and his word.


  1. Amen! I think that God put this on your heart at the right time....right around income tax season. I truely believe that money is taking over this world, and people believe that the money that they have will give them some sort of special treament after they die...they couldn't be more wrong. I enjoyed the read (as always) and I think that A LOT of people need to read...and receive this message :)

  2. You are absolutely right. I am reminded of Mathew 19:24 and its' meaning. ("it is said that It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God") It wasn't the need of money or the fact that he had it,it was what it symbolized. The value he put on it. The self important view he had because he had it. His lost of a relationship with God, his lost of fellowship with his fellow man. We often need money to live ( buy what we need), but we should never live to make money.
