Saturday, June 16, 2012


She asked me to keep her secret
But how could I
Knowing that keeping it wouldn’t solve anything
She broke down in tears
Talking about the hurtful words
That sting just as hard as
The lash of a belt across her skin
The words that leave deeper scars
Than the temporary welts from
Whatever device was quickest to grab
She told me that it had been discussed before
Promises were made to try and do better
However those promises fade
After a few days
After a few weeks
A thing of the past when problems arise
And her name seemed to be the only one
On the tip of the tongue to take the blame
She was told that the similarities were
The cause of the abrasive way in which
She was addressed at times
Rough like sand paper these words were
Tearing away at her
Chipping off chunks of her heart
Leaving her in doubt
As to weather she was even loved
Making her question why she was even
In existence
She asked me to keep her secret
But how could I
Knowing that this situation would
Get worse before it could get better
I make an attempt to bless her
With some insight as to how
She can overcome this demon
I explain that she will never be able
To fix another human being
However, it is within her power
To fix herself
To break the cycle
She asked to visit the sanctuary
And I complied without hesitation
She requested my support
In approaching the alter and
I stood firm with a hand on her shoulder
As the tears trailed down her face
Listening to the pastor telling her
He loves you
You are loved
And it matters not what anyone
Says from this day forth
She dedicated her life to God
I knew she would be covered and protected
So it didn’t matter how many hurtful words
Cut through her like a knife
Or how many times her name was
On the tip of someone’s tongue
To take the blame for something
I knew that even if I wasn’t by her side
Watching, guiding, and inspiring
She was protected
And that secret would soon come to light
The hardest part will be when
This hurtful individual realizes
They are missing out on knowing
This amazing little girl
They made a negative mark on her slate
That she would now have to erase
Luckily, she won’t have to do it alone
He follows all his children
Even through the darkest of storms
I know without a doubt
He has His hands on her!


  1. Good you want to write...

  2. Well Shawnetwenty, I was inspired by my students and I couldn't sleep.
