Friday, June 15, 2012

SPEAK (dedicated to my students at Lanning Square School)

This poem is dedicated to my students at Lanning Square School in Camden NJ
Don't ever stop writing or expressing yourselves.  Don't ever be silent in a world where your voice needs to be heard!


I watched mountains being moved today
Messages delivered and received 
From places one least expected 
I gawked at warriors stomping out fear
Overthrowing giants
While pouring out the most honest
Side of their hearts
Showing their true selves
I watched issues that are hardly ever addressed
Being brought to the attention 
Of young minds who 
Live current events on the daily
As they peek out the windows
Of the places they call home
And their ears ring of 
Gunshots and sirens
I stood in awe of an army marching 
Into battle against abandonment
Bullying, ignorance, 
Against domestic violence, racism
Sexism, against molestation
I witnessed straigtforwardness trickling
From their hearts to their mouths
As it tip toed gently on the ears 
Of every listener in the room
I gazed as walls came crashing down
When poets realized how valid
Their words, thoughts, feelings truly were
No one can ever tell you that what you're feeling is wrong
I told them
No one wants you to have these bombs bottled up inside you
Waiting to explode
So unleash them
Look your greatest fear square in the face 
And tell them it stops here
No more will there be innocent lives lost
Because of ignorance
No more will bullies be allowed
To silence their tormentees
No more will a parent's lack of attention
Or inability to face their responsibilities 
Be the storm cloud that hovers over
What should be a glorious day
No more will there be doubt or a need to plead
A case for the love that should come naturally
Nor will anyone question the declarations 
Made of dreams and aspirations for the future
From this day forth, young authors will
Use their words to tell stories, deliver messages 
That often times fall on deaf ears
From this day forth young authors will
Trust that they have the ability to use their voices
To simply SPEAK

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